Some Runes

ZURVAN is the substrate of existence, the ground of being. The whole living world swims in the sea of Zurvan of whose substance is everything made. Zurvan is characterised firstly by time, for things are always moving forward in Zurvan, and secondly by material which has shape and persistence through time, both living material with soul and dead material. Zurvan has energy which impels motion and Zurvan has an underlying law of cause and effect that dictates the way that events interact and unfold through time.

GATUS is the living world - conceived of as a giant being that lives in Zurvan. Gatus is composed of many living beings of particular history and character and each interacting with its environment of both living bodies and non-living material.

THALIA is flourishing. It is the best kind of life for living beings. The term Thalia applies to the good life of individual beings and to the good activity of interactions between different beings, for there is no individual flourishing without good relations with others.

ARTA THALIKA is the Flourishing Order. It comes into being when the different elements of the Gatus come into good relationship with each other to the benefit of the whole and thus of each individual.

PROTHALIC and ANTITHALIC. Actions taken can be Prothalic and support the Arta Thalika and the flourishing of life. Alternatively actions taken can be Antithalic and tend to upset the Arta Thalika leading to a failure of flourishing.

KREIA are the needs of individual beings and of larger parts of the living world. Kreia are everything that are needed or would be of use and benefit to an individual for its continued survival, health and flourishing. This includes material provisions, interactions and service from others and opportunities to unfold one's powers.

KRESIS is the Satisfaction of Kreia. Thus Kresis is the provision of needed or useful materials, interactions, services, opportunities and experiences.

SAROKRESIS is the provision of Kreia under governance of an agent that desires the good of those it serves and who listens to their needs and responds with good effect.

Seven Elements of Sarokresis:
Sarokresis is considered to include:
1. KRESIS - Satisfaction of Need
2. SARITAS - Listening and Responding
3. HUMANITAS - Good Mindedness
4. RECTITAS - Righteousness
5. MAGTAS - Mightiness or Capability
6. GNOSIS - Deep Knowledge
7. SOCIETAS - Alliance

Elements of a Person:
A person considered in relation to the rest of the living world has these elements at least:
1.KREIA - needs and wants
2.NOIA - a way of thinking
3.DAENA - a moral vision, a scale of values
4.THYMIA - a characteristic spiritedness and emotional reaction to things
5.HODIKA - a repertory of ways of behaving and habitual tendencies to react in particular ways
6.DESMA - links to the rest of the living world - particular relationships to particular people and places.
7.MAGTAS - Mightiness; Strengths, Skills and Capabilities.
8.ERGA - Works. Erga are actions a person takes that impact the world in a significant way.

DEBUTUS is a person's moral duty. It is what they ought to do considered from an absolute perspective. Debutus might be thought of as the tasks that a person should perform to assist the living world and its future progress. It might also be seen, not just as a duty, but as an opportunity to do something of significance to the wider benefit. Debutus varies between people depending on their circumstances, abilities, life-phase, opportunities etc. Debutus may include duties to oneself as well as to others for both you and others are all part of the Gatus and made from the substance of Zurvan and thus have universal significance.

MOTUS (or possibly MOTUM) is a Movement. In particular it is a human movement characterized by people with a common identity and shared goals , values and customs working together in a productive way for a particular purpose. Institutions may be led by a MOTUS but typically incorporate other people who are servants to the leadership group, obeying their instructions without thinking, and who are not full members of the movement.

TROPIA is Change. Tropia is a process of change of the character of things - such as a persons beliefs, motivations or characteristic behaviour especially as part of a wider change in the nature of the living order (or social order).

ARKHUS is Power or Government. The Arkhus, imagined as a single being, is the ruler of the Gatus. The Arkhus of course is shaped by the actions of individual people and other living beings, but some people or movements of people have much more influence over the Arkhus than others.

A PSYCHODROMITOR is something that activates a PSYCHODROMUS or Psychic circuit. A Psychodromitor creates a particular kind of experience for a person that triggers a psychic circuit and typically a rush of energy or feeling and a characteristic attitude. For instance if a Psychodromitor creates an experience of a Father figure for a person then this may lead to corresponding childlike behaviour in response.

SPENTAMENTOR is something that affects and changes a mind in a way that makes it more productive of thalia. A Spenta Mentor educates or inspires minds to become better, more attuned to reality, with better moral values, and so better able or more likely to act in prothalic, good ways that support the flourishing of the Gatus or living world.

ANGRAMENTOR is something that affects a mind in a negative way - by bringing delusion or by inspiring destructive feelings that then leads to antithalic actions that cause deterioration of the living order.

HODOI are paths or ways of doing things. ANODOI are paths that lead 'upwards', to be constructive or prothalic. CATODOI are paths that tend to lead downwards, or be destructive of the good living order or antithalic. (NB ANODOI is considered similar to 'Dharma')

HYPOLOGUS is the underlying law or logic of Zurvan - i.e. the basic law of the universe, the law of cause and effect.

PAGITAS is the idea or existence of a way of life centred around a Pagus or small district. It is economic autonomy or self-sufficiency practiced on a small-scale.

HYLIA is 'wood' considered as non-living material that can be shaped by living beings.

Updated April 2024 CE