
The Theoruna are 'elements of God'. We use them to try and understand what God is.

NB Below is just one possible formulation of the Theoruna and is not necessarily the final definitive teaching.

First Level

1. ANGHUS - Existence, "what is", reality.

2. HAURVA - Totality, integrity, all things, interconnectedness.

Haurva is the Totality - the wholeness, the allness and the interconnectedness of the world.

3. ARCHE - Source , cause, influence.

4. HYPOLOGUS - the underlying logic of existence, the way things happen, the law of cause and effect.

5. AGATHON - The Good

Agathon - The Good - is pure goodness whether as an abstract idea, an active presence or a passive experience.

Second Level

1. ZURVAN is the ground of being, the substrate of time and space in which everything moves. Zurvan Apeiron is Boundless Time or Infinite Time while Zurvan Termon is Finite Time (previously Zurvan Aion) which can be a historic 'Age' or a human 'Lifetime'.

Zurvan is the Ground of Being in Time and Space. Zurvan represents the reality of the Universe with its good and bad aspects.It is the Foundation of Time and Activity which underlies all things.Zurvan is the Foundation of existence, the substrate of space and time in which all activity happens.

2. URVATAS is 'soul-hood'. Soul-hood has at least three characteristics - firstly that of feeling, sensing, knowing ; secondly that of doing or shaping the zurvanic flux outside itself; thirdly that of growing, remembering, developing a character, a soul-body.

Urvatas is Soulhood out of which individuals Urvans or souls are made.
i) Urvan (or Soul) acts on the world and continually shapes the progress of the world.
ii) Urvan is sensitive and has experience which can be good or bad.
iii) Urvan retains memory of its experience and can grow and develop over time.

NB We distinguish between URVATAS or soul-essence that is the properties common to all souls and could be said to be Godly, and URVAN which are individual souls typically Egoic or independently acting agents whose choices (VARTA) can be judged by God.

3. ASTAVATAS is 'materiality'. It is the physical reality that we can typically sense and see with our bodily senses and out of which our physical body is made.

4. SUARA is the zurvanic sun, the source of the energy that drives life and movement.

5. TYCHE is the zurvanic 'doer'. Tyche (or (the) Tyke) decides the flow of the Zurvanic flux. Tyche shapes the world (TUKA) moment-by-moment based on the 'appeals' (PELLA) of Urvan, and the prior-shape of things.

The Tyche is the Agent of God as Reality. The Tyche is the Doer and produces the world from moment to moment. (NB Some may consider that Yahweh, the god of the Old Testament is a kind of Tyche).

6. PHATIS is the voice of God. Phatis is reality revealing itself to the Mind of Urvan (Soul). Phatis often comes as an image within the minds of men (an 'Angel') and varies depending on the person being addressed. Two possible angels are the Angel Mother who tells Urvan of its importance to God, and the Angel Father who tells Urvan of its duty to do right and avoid wrong-action.

7. AURAMAZDA is the 'Wise Lord' , the super-natural being that moves within Zurvan to shape it in the best way to produce the ARTA THALICA or flourishing order. Auramazda is 'Perfect Active Wisdom.'

Updated April 2024