Runes - Other

Arta - Righteous Order - the situation where the different constituents of existence are in right-relationship with each other, so that they support each other and the overall flourishing. (as an electric current will flow in a circuit when all its elements are correctly aligned)

Logus - the way of doing things that is in accord with the nature of existence and leads to flourishing

Noia - thinking, a way of thinking , a consciousness

Daena - a set of beliefs and values , a conscience, the way someone sees the world in moral terms

Sebia - Piety, a practice of reverence for or devotion to things considered worthy, both in ritual and in mainstream life

Kratia - use of one's strength to maintain or change other people's activity, ruling

Nomia - custom or law, they way things are done and are expected to be done, rules of behaviour that potentially incur a negative reaction if broken>

Topus (or Topia) - a place, a kind of place, a reactive structure

Hodus (or Hodos) - a way of doing (or living), a kind of activity

Biodus (or Biodos) - a way of life