Onta ClassesOnta are beings - mostly supernatural beings - i.e. defined in abstract terms and which exist 'above' the visible tangible natural world of our immediate senses.We can discern three 'levels' of Onta: 1. Natural - apparent to our senses and usually having a unitary soul. 2. Supernatural ('above the natural') - not apparent to our senses and not having a singular soul 3. Divine - abstractly defined and thus generally considered immortal This is an experimental list of different kinds of Onta, and is subject to change: ONTON - a 'being' of any kind TUKON - Any kind of happening DRAON - A doing, an action, an activity ERGON - a being that does work HOLON - a being that is a 'partial whole' - i.e. which has its own integrity but is part of a larger system NOMON - a social being defined by the roles people have and the rules of interaction (an institution) ARCHON - a ruler, a being that exerts influence over behaviour beyond itself POION - a maker, a being that makes something, or produces or maintains particular conditions PRAXON - a doer, a being that has a particular function to perform NOION - a mind-being, a particular kind of consciousness. ASON - a spirit being - a being with a particular kind of spirit or personality This category includes typical main polytheistic gods or demigods AMORTON - an immortal being - an abstractly defined being ZOION - a living being |