What are Noions?Noions are supernatural beings that live in the Noia-plane of Zurvan (the plane of mental consciousness). A Noion is a particular kind of consciousness. It is a particular mental orientation to the world, a particular identity, a particular way of seeing things, a particular way of thinking.Activity in the different planes of Zurvan - such as the Archeia (influence) plane, the Noia (consciousness) plane and the Drasis (doing) plane - have an influence on each other. In particular we can see that an Archon (ruler) can influence the nature and extent of a Noion (how people think and how many people think the same) and this affects how they act ("Drasis" - and where people all act in concert we have a Draon - a Doing). However Noia is not only shaped under the direction of Archons. It can also arise from first-hand experience of the world. (Or from hearing of other people's direct experience shared in a non-archonic / non-manipulative way). A Noion is a kind of consciousness - the way that people think the world works, the way they make sense of new information, what they pay attention to, how they feel they fit into the world and what they think is worthy or valuable (Axia) as ends (Axiatela) or actions (Axiadrasis). DAENA is an aspect of Noia. It is a 'way of seeing'. It is someone's beliefs and values, or their conscience. The word Daena has a stronger moral connotation that the term Noia and is sometimes translated as religion. SPEELING is an activity that someone can do to influence the Noia of another person. The word is related to German Spiel (Play/Act) and English Spell (as in 'cast a spell'). Speeling relies on the fact that it is human nature to be influenced by the behaviour of other people. If others tell us a story about something then we are naturally inclined to take in what they have said and make it part of our own thinking. Generally we use the word speeling to mean conscious acts of communication where we are trying to shape the thoughts of others. This might be for good purposes as a parent or teacher or just to get them to do what we want them to. For speeling to work it requires that people are open to it, that they listen in a naive way innocent of potential trickery so that they take the speeling at face value. Speeling can be used to 'cast a spell' over a person so as to lock-in some particular way of thinking , which prevents them from thinking and seeing in a free way. November 4021 |