Some runic conceptsZURVAN APEIRON is boundless time and space. Sometimes just called 'the Infinite' . Named Zurvan Akarana by the Persians. The Greeks translated Zurvan (Time) as Aion and Akarana (Boundless) as Apeiron.The Great Boundless Zurvan contains within it smaller limited pieces of itself - these are the limited lifespans of conscious beings. Zurvan is the substrate of life, it is that within which everything that is happens. It is like the water of the ocean within which there is a great movement of currents, waves and tides. ENTONs or ENTS are 'beings' of any kind. They are the inhabitants of the Zurvanic realm. Three kinds of Ents are ZOIONs , AMORTONs and ARCHONs. ZOIONs are living beings. AMORTONs are immortal beings - usually something defined in an abstract way - a divine being. (Persian=Amesha/Amerta , Later Greek=Aion) ARCHONs are powers or rulers. Archons are the source of DRASIS (action) which shape the world. AZARCHONs are a special kind of Archon characterized by their greed and their cold-heartedness. Foremost of the Azarchons is AZIDAK. ASHA is order, rightness, truth, beauty. It is the desirable state of the activity of Zurvan - where its different parts come together in a harmonious way. Asha is contrasted by DREG which is deviation, disorder, falsehood, wrongfulness, clashing, chaos. ASHURA is the Righteous Lord, the Lord of Asha, the Amorton who creates and sustains the well-ordered creation. (DREGGOR is the opponent of Ashura. Dreggor is the devil who interferes in the good-workings off the world, thowing it off course and causing disharmony, disease, chaos and unhappiness.) MAZDA is the wisdom-power. Mazda is the perfect mind at work. Mazda senses the state of the world and devises the best way forward to the Good state of things and the Best Existence. In Zoroastrian teaching (and generally by Mithraists) Ashura and Mazda are considered an inseparable couple working seemlessly together to create Asha. Mazda is the power of the ideal mind. It works through the living world (the GAETA) , which itself is submerged in Zurvan. For Mazdaic Mithraists there is no meaningful mind outside of time and space. Hence we believe that Zurvan comes first, and Mazda is a child of Zurvan. DRASIS and STATA DRASIS is 'Doing'. Drasis inititiates with Zoions (i.e. we are talking about the doings of living beings). Drasis is not just what we do, but what everybody is doing, and how this influences others who again influence others in chains of influence. STATA are 'what stands still'. Wherever we have continuity in the world, wherever something seems to be solid and permanent , even if it does not last forever, there we have Stata. Drasis and Stata are in continual interplay. For 'doing' is all about changing Stata. However Stata in their turn form the 'settled facts about the world' which form the ground from which future drasis emanates. PELLA , TEUKA and TYKE When we try to do something there is not an automatic link between what we plan for and what actually happens. So in Mithraism we have a different words for the two: PELLA is what we 'push for', TEUKA is what happens. In Popular Mithraism we recognise the TYKE (Greek Tyche, Latin Fortuna) as the Executive Power of Zurvan. At each moment of time, the TYKE considers all the PELLA (appeals) of the different Zoions, alongside the existing STATA (current situation) and makes (TEUKA) the next iteration of the world. MZ, October 4021 HE |