Struggling towards the Good
AristomagiThe Aristomagi or "Outstanding wizards" are wise philosopher-teachers who have been chosen above others for special veneration. This is because of their special usefulness to us in helping us develop our own wisdom.TetramagiThe Tetramagi (Four Magi) are four ancient wise men whose intellectual work is considered the most worthy of attention. These are Zoroaster (Zartus), Gotama (Buddha), Plato and Aristotle.PentamagiThe Pentamagi (Five Magi) are the same as the Tetramagi with the addition of Nietzsche as a fifth magus. In other words they are Zoroaster (Zartus), Gotama (Buddha), Plato, Aristotle and Nietzsche.Tetramagism versus PentamagismTetramagists limit their veneration to the Tetramagi - all ancient teachers whose work has stood the test of time for its ability to spark thinking about the nature of the Good and how to achieve it. It can be argued that the work of the Tetramagi form the foundation of much of the philosophy of traditional orthodoxy both in the Christian West and the Islamic civilization centred in Iran and Asia Minor. So Tetramagism is particularly suited to those attached to such a Christian or Moslem religious identity.Pentamagists believe that the ancient teachings of the Tetramagi are incomplete and that Nietzsche performs a valuable task in challenging the conventional thinking of the past with the aim of ultimately producing something stronger.
Wisdom TraditionsZartian Agathists may study one or more of multiple wisdom traditions which in general will be associated with at least one of the tetramagi.For instance Buddhism and Stoicism (considered a Greek counterpart to Buddhism) - associated with Gotama. Ancient Gnosticism associated with both Zoroaster and Plato, and also the later Neoplatonism and Neoplatonic Sufism. Thomism and Catholic Social Teaching - associated with Aristotle. The writings of Marcus Aurelius can be a good way in to Stoicism. The writings of Inayat Khan are recommended for students of Neoplatonic Sufism. The modern Cathar movement around John Bogomil is also recommended. Modern Magi
Zartian Agathists may also study modern philosophers of renown. There is no canonical list but in addition to Nietzsche on the more political side these might include names like Proudhon, Karl Marx, Gramsci and Erich Fromm for example.