

Agathon - The Good - is pure goodness whether as an abstract idea, an active presence or a passive experience. Agatha is not easily understood in her totality, but we can make an attempt by understanding her children the Agathoi.

Agathon is the Ideal Good which Urvan the Soul reaches up towards like reaching towards the sun.

Agathon is the particular configuration or kind of happening in Zurvan or the Ground of Being that is the best for life.

Agathon is also known as the Agatha the Beautiful for she is the most desireable of all. However she is not easily attained directly and to know and serve her better one should get to know her children - the Agathoi.


The concept of Thalia or Flourishing is our primary understanding of what we see as an ultimate desireable result of our strivings towards the Good.

Thalia is something that is both a characteristic of an individual life, and of 'life' on a wider scale, made out of many individuals interacting with each other.

The term Eudemonia is usually considered to mean the same as Individual Thalia.

The terms Biothalia ("Flourishing of Life") and Synthalia ("Flourishing Together") describe this interactive flourishing. In a political context we also use the term Pantothalia ("Flourishing of All").


The Agathoi are the Good Beings. They are the Agents of the Good.

The Agathoi are those beings recognised as being close to Agatha the Good or of partaking of her nature. They are sometimes regarded as her children with Urvan, the active Soul. They are the consequence of the successful striving of Urvan towards the Ideal Good which is Agatha and his union with Her.

There are currently fourteen Agathoi given pride of place in Zartianism. Most of them are derived from traditional Zoroastrian teaching. These include Auramazda (Wise Power), Sarokrestus (Useful Listener), Spentamentor (Mind Improver), Eunoia (Good Thinking), Eudaena (Good Moral Vision), Eusebia (Good Devotion), Artista (Best Order).


Kakon - The Bad - is pure badness whether as an abstract idea, an active presence or a passive experience.

The eternal drama of existence sees Urvan o Soul continually striving for Agatha and seeking union with Her. However there are all sorts of obstacles and impediments to this happening and Urvan is continually frustrated and suffering as a consequence.


The Kakoi are the Bad Beings. Each of the Agathoi has a Kakus as an opponent.

The work of Zartian Agathists is to support the Good and undermine the Bad.

The lists of Agathoi and Kakoi point us to what we mean by Good and Bad and thus what we have to do.


Runes are more abstract concepts we pay attention to, which are not necessarily all good or all bad

There are many different runes but here are a few examples... Zurvan is the foundation of existence.
Gatus is the living world.
Urvan is soul.
Dolus is deception,trickery, fakery.


The Aristomagi are the 'Outstanding Wise Ones' who we pay special attention to for the assistance they can give us. Five of these have canonical status as the foremost teachers of the Good and are called the Pentamagi (five magi). Their work forms the recommended foundation for our own individual struggle to understand the nature of life. The Pentamagi are Zoroaster, Gotama, Plato, Aristotle and Nietzsche

Special Days

Our main day of celebration is March 26th as 'Zartus Natus' or Zoroaster's birthday.

Many Agathists will also celebrate October 29th as 'Cyrus Day' - a time to think about good governance and good order on a world scale.

amended April 2024 CE